Nationalmuseum - Stockholm

After five years of renovations and modernizations, Nationalmuseum - Sweden's premier museum of art and design - opened up its doors again in 2018. The new space is tailored, quite literally, highlight the museum's enormous collection of classic art. Building Exterior Functionalism.. Entrance Hall Permanent Exhibition Facts: When the building was completed in 1863, a total of 427 drawings were submitted to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Buildings – 270 building plans and 157 decoration drawings. The glass panes used in the windows surpassed any that had previously been used in the country. At this time, the largest window panes used for housing normally measured 45x45 cm. The largest window panes in Nationalmuseum were 170x200 cm in size. They were manufactured at a factory in Aachen, Germany. The condensed water from the lanterns had to be carried down from the attic. In a single night in 1864, this condensation fille...